Kailea Frederick
“To be alive today is to have the gift of awareness outside the scope of our own lives. It is an invitation to be in a state of active remembrance of what has been, and to remake what we can of all that we have undone. But in order to do so we will need to build capacity. Practices orientated around resilience are part of how we do just exactly this.”
Kailea Frederick, NDN Collective Community Publisher, is a mother of Tahltan, Kaska and Black American lineage. She has dedicated the last ten years to working at the intersections of climate justice, resilience thinking and independent publishing, previously serving as NDN Collective’s Climate Justice Organizer, Editor for Loam Magazine and as a Climate Commissioner for the City of Petaluma. Her diverse publications on climate change, disaster preparedness and parenting during collapse have been utilized as curriculum across schools in the United States and Canada, and her 2021 publication with NDN Collective, Required Reading: Climate Justice, Adaptation and Investing in Indigenous Power was recommended reading by the White House.
Website: https://kailealoften.com/