Diana Liverman
“We need to make climate resilient development a priority – finding ways to simultaneously reduce emissions, adapt to climate changes already underway, and eradicate poverty. We need to address multiple risks – of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution – through personal and institutional commitments that stabilize and ensure a safe and resilient earth system while ensuring our responses are just and create space for the poor to access the food, water, energy and livelihoods that provide an escape from poverty and suffering.”
Diana Liverman is a professor of geography, development and environment at the University of Arizona who has focused her career on the human dimensions of global environmental change including climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, climate justice and climate policy. Her recent projects focus on climate justice and resilience in the southwest US, the role of women in climate science, and climate and the cultural sector. An IPCC lead author, she is currently working with the Earth Commission to envision safe and just targets for the earth system.
Profile: https://geography.arizona.edu/person/diana-liverman